What is the Famous Spanish Dance: Types of Dances in Spain
If you ask any person to say the name of the most famous Spanish dance, almost with a hundred percent probability he will say "Spain dance flamenco". And that is indeed true. This is the world's most popular dance with accompanying music. The Spanish dance originated in the lands of Andalusia when gypsies arrived there in the fifteenth century. It was they who formed a special dance caste.
The fandango is also a traditional folk dance with guitar music and is quite popular in Spain. This Spanish dance, the name of which comes from a Portuguese folk song, originated in the region of Huelva. The development of the fandango was greatly influenced by authentic flamenco dancers in Spain. It is based on the spins and figures typical of the courtship dance. However, it must be said that outside Spain fandango is little known. It will be truly appreciated by those who were born there.
Some movements in different Spanish dance styles are similar, for example, often the basis is belly dance Spain. It is performed by women in colorful outfits. Such a female Spanish dance performance is mesmerizing and does not allow you to take your eyes away for a second.
What are those Spanish Dancers Called?
There are many theories as to why flamenco got such a name. Some consider it a synonym for the word "gitano", which translates from Spanish slang as "gypsy". Others identify the origin of the term with Flemish soldiers who guarded the Spanish-Belgian territories. They wore special clothing emphasizing ostentatious pride and self-confidence. The same qualities were inherent in the character of the Roma.
As for the authentic Spanish dances names, the flamenco dance is called baile and the Spanish dancer is called bailaor (male) or bailaora (female).
Is Salsa a Spanish Dance?
Spain salsa dance is characterized by its incendiary and passion, complex steps, and paired movements. However, it originates from Latin America.
It cannot be said that this dance has nothing to do with Spanish music and dances. This culture had a great influence on the formation of salsa. Nowadays, this dance is very popular in Chicago and all over the world.